The church is called not only to minister within its own city or state but throughout the world, as the Lord commanded us: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19). Our local church is dedicated to expanding God's Kingdom worldwide and, in this endeavor, we have organized a special training program for preachers called the "School of Biblical Preaching" through which hundreds of ministers from different countries have already received spiritual education. Currently, the "School of Biblical Preaching" is being held in one of the countries of Asia and, starting this October, it will open in South Carolina. Being fully aware of our complete dependence on God, we ask for your prayers for:

  • the teachers: that the Lord would prepare their hearts and give them the right words, and that He would fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit to successfully carry out the teaching process;
  • the students: that the Lord would help the brothers to diligently complete their assignments without being hindered by worldly distractions and daily concerns;
  • God's work in the hearts of the students: that they may grow in their love for God and people, deepen their knowledge of Scripture, and that the Holy Spirit would transform their character, equipping them with the necessary skills for fruitful ministry;
  • God's protection over both teachers and students during their travels and studies, guarding them from illness and the attacks of the evil one.

On Sun., Sept. 29, during our Morning Services, Pastor Aleksey Kolomiytsev will continue his sermon series, The Power of the Gospel, with Part 3,  The Essence of the Gospel.

Paul dedicates a significant portion of the Epistle of Romans to describing the Gospel, the understanding of which forms the foundation for the new, supernatural life of those saved by Christ. We will discuss some of the most important elements of the Gospel, which will help us to understand its nature and impact. 

Upstream Corporate Fellowship on this Sun., Sept. 29, at 6pm
Registration for the Family Seminar (Oct. 26) on the topic of  Christ's Lordship in Sexual Relationships is open .
Wed., Oct. 2., at 7pm Grace Kids programs begin at the church.
Children's Christmas Play Auditions will be held at the church on Thur., Oct. 10 at 6pm. Please prepare a one-minute monologue or a song.
Check all our events at  WGBC.org
- Sunday Morning Services:
9am (RUS), 11:30am (EN), Aleksey Kolomiytsev is preaching on Rom. 3:21-5:21, The Essence of the Gospel
- Baptism Course: Sun., 9am
- Upstream Corporate: Sun., 6pm
- Russian Academy: Mon., 6pm
- Orchestra Rehearsal: Mon., 7pm
- Youth Choir: Tue., 7pm
Bible Hour: Wed., 7pm, Andrey Zubarev is preaching
- Grace Kids: Wed., 7pm, at the church 
   Arrows: Wed., 7pm, in groups
- Choir Rehearsal: Thur., 7pm
Upcoming Events:
Oct. 13 - Family Service with Baby Dedication
Oct. 22 - Home Group Leaders Meeting
Oct. 25 - Women's Prayer Meeting
Oct. 26 - Family Seminar
Nov. 2 - Christmas Bazaar
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